Change Logs - June 2021

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royal alchemist
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Change Logs - June 2021

Post by royal alchemist »

JUNE 2 - Version 0.9.2
Version 0.9.2 is done! Here are the details:
Quests: solved a bug that involved potion effects recognition
Statistics: there was a malfunction with the count of very rare ingredients found... it's hopefully solved...
Unanswered conversations: in the message warning about unanswered conversation, the frame was missing

Colors: the function that determines the results of mixing colors has been changed and improved (check the wiki). Warning! The castle errands have been reset because of this!
Balance: now when hovering the mouse on the trilob amount shown in the menu, a tooltip will show up (thanks Pappavone)
Search alquigems: the amount of alquigems found when exploring (when you are noble) has been slightly reduced
Statistics: now, when you order the alchemists list by ability, commerce or knowledge, the correspondant score will be shown (thanks Yaztromo)
Arena: now the points that determine the helpers rank at the arena is shown
Nobility: now 10 completed quests are required (instead of 5)
Nobility: now you need to have reached at least the 10th title (specialist) in order to buy the nobility; also, the price has been raised to 600 alquigems.
Active characteristics: from now, satisfying castle errands and completing quests will activate all the characteristics.
Dump: from now, the items collected at the dump will have the price dropped by 20% (thanks Oiran)
Minor refactoring: some minor refactory has been done.

Many texts has been improved.

New route: the route from Fortrock to Grand Castle has been implemented in personal exploration (thanks Bartolomea)
Daily Reward: starting from now you will be able to collect a daily reward from the Quests page. More information in the ingame help. (thanks Bartolomea)

Merchants Challenge Quest

Sea Dog Quest
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royal alchemist
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Re: Change Logs - June 2021

Post by royal alchemist »

JUNE 11 - Version 0.9.3
Version 0.9.3 is done! Here are the details:
Medals: fixed a glitch that gave multiple title medals to the alchemists
Quest: The Pipe Maker Quest was severely bugged... now is fixed.
Personal exploration: The maps aroung fortrock has been fixed to avoid players to get stuck

Personal exploration: the travel notes has been moved to the side of the map, to facilitate the notes reading

New route: the route from Lorgastell to Grand Castle has been implemented in personal exploration
Explorers management: we added the option to switch between expanded and compact view while inspecting the helpers
Mounts: the ability to ride mounts while in personal exploration has been added! The mounts for alchemists can be bought at the market. More information can be found in the ingame helps and in the wiki
Veterinary For A Dromedary Quest
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