Change Logs - May 2021

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Change Logs - May 2021

Post by royal alchemist »

MAY 16 - Version 0.9
Version 0.9 is done! Here are the details:
Buddies: solved a bug that allowed players to invite moderators to their buddies
Account deleting: the script has been updated
Balance: now you can see the balance even if you are not in your town of residence
Getter: Some bugs has been solved, involving the unitary price shown and other graphical issues
Character creation: solved the bug that showed the Mordok description as "undefined"
Laboratory helpers: solved some bugs related to the ingredients automatically selected by the laboratory helpers. Also solved a bug that affected the taste of the created potions.
Medals: solved a bug that messed with the order of the title medals
Personal exploration: solved a bug that prevented to delete items from the backpack during personal exploration
Minor bugs: solved many other minor bugs

Voting: now you can vote the game once each 20 hours in order to get the alquigem reward
Interface: the "quality" parameter has been renamed to a more intuitive "refinations"
Vial creation: the vial creation section is now visible from the beginning, so that a player can check the help to check what is needed to create vials
Arena: the algorythm used to determine the fighters rank has been changed. Also, now you can remove an helper from the arena only if he/she has 10 or more victories.
City graphics: the graphics of the city of Solea has been improved
Laboratory helpers: the disposition loss at each delivery has beel lowered by 50%
Minor refactoring: many other minor refactoring has been made

Tutorial: now you can read the completed tutorials for further reference
Shop ensign: implemented a more practical way to select the shop ensign
Messages: a limit to storable messages has been added: now you can keep up to 50 system messages (those sent by PotionEmpire); the excess will be automatically deleted. There is still no limits for messages sent by players.
Gambler: starting from now, if you get three of a kind or jackpot while playing the alchemical dices, you will be featured in the ingame newspaper!
Server time: the server time is now shown in the systembar

Gambler: the gambler has been fully translated
Tourist Guide Quest: the text has been improved. Also, more information has been added to the wiki page.
Helps: many helps have been improved.

ImageOiran vial (availability: Oiran Vial Quest)

The Adventurers Quest

Oiran Vial Quest

Helpers Association Quest
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royal alchemist
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Re: Change Logs - May 2021

Post by royal alchemist »

MAY 20 - Version 0.9.1
Version 0.9.1 is done! Here are the details:
Arcane vision: when browsing the storages with Arcane Vision, a player could see himself twice :?
Extend Time: when drinking an elixir with Extended Time effect while having other active elixir effects, the Extend Time effect didn't work
Recipes: When saving a recipe with two or more identical ingredients, it merged effects and names of the ingredients but not the amount of ingredients
Recipes: recipes displayed duration even though the resulting potion had no duration
Capacity bars: the bars overflowed when the capacity was exceeded
Getter: a bug prevented players from buying ingredients via getter
Rummager cape: the cape was not working as expected
Mail trade: players could send their backpacks via mail trade... not anymore! 8-)
Mail trade: players could send parcels containing items that was on sale at their shop... not anymore! 8-)
Mail trade: the automatic calculation of a parcel's value finally works!
Minor debug: some more minor debug has been made.

Fortrock: the castle's graphics have been improved
City dump: increased the number of items you can take from the top of the pile
Bank: now players can make bank transfers to moderators
Ensign: the options selection has been improved again
Laboratory: now you can see the ingredient's color in the laboratory
Capacities: as usual, capacities have been changed. Now there is more capacity in the Storage and Shop, but you can create less recipes books.
Premium shop: now the ingredients are listed in alphabetical order
Mail trade: the mail trade has become more reliable; now, if you delete the "Parcel Sent" message, the trade will be automatically cancelled.
Quests: the Quests page has been improved. New graphics and a new section: quest chains. Also, from now on when you complete a quest a a congratulatory pop-up will be shown (thanks Yaztromo!).
Oiran vial: the price has been lowered to 600 trilob.
Jasper Ring Quest: the requirements and the requests have been changed (check the wiki page). Also the Jasper capacity ring gives more capacity (it changed from +15 to +25).
Minor refactoring: some minor refactoring has been done.

Encyclopedia: the minimum taste filter has been added
Getter: two new functions have been added. Search by color and search for ingredients and potions with elixir effects. For more information check the help in the Market page.

Encyclopedia: the filter has been translated
Minor translations: some minor translation has been made

Amber Ring Quest

Dendrite Ring Quest

Pearl Ring Quest

Caterinium Ring Quest

The Prank Quest
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Re: Change Logs - May 2021

Post by royal alchemist »

MAY 22 - Version - The Tromo-Foreros update
Version is done! Here are the details:
This is a micro update that adds 10 new titles and rebalances some mechanics related to titles and infrastructures.

Infrastructures: the price to advance the infrastructures levels has been lowered
title medals: the medal points given by the title medals has been doubled

New titles: 10 new titles has been added, for a current total of 39.
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