Change Logs - September 2013

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royal alchemist
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Change Logs - September 2013

Post by royal alchemist »

12 Sep
The landing page has been simplified and adapted for small and big screens.

13 Sep
- Added better art for cities (thanks to Mileva Servadei and her wonderful work!).
- added a new section "market", with a new way to find offers around the empire: the getter!
- now players can buy potions from other players!

14-16 Sep
- solved many bugs
- added a search function in courier
- improved the ranking and moved it to the city section
- now it's possible to send an explorer to the latest destination

17 Sep
- solved many bugs
- changes have been made in the medal system: some balancing have been done and now players can get rid of the bad medals (like Blunderer or Clumsy)
- the game menu has been simplyfied

18 Sep
- solved many bugs
- the enciclopedy has been improved: now you can see solvents and extract colors close to the ingredient name.

19 Sep
- the game menu has been improved
- "Caterina Patch": Now the ingredients have a "minimum taste" instead of "average taste". The minimum taste can be modified only by a +1 leading any ingredient to have a maximum of two different tastes. Aromatics are always delicious.
- Version 0.4 is finished!
- implemented a better screenshot viewer
- site registration process, the home page and the character creation phase is almost completely ready for more languages (for now is working with english and italian).

22 Sep
- new titles added
- heavy game balance
- "Second Caterina Patch": Now the customers evaluate only the potions that have a compatible vial with their class (if there are any). Also, from now customers of every class can enter your shop.

23-28 Sep
- solved many bugs
- the medals system have been improved and expanded
- now the customers buy more or less potions based on their class

29 Sep
- some improvement has been made in the creation process: now it's easyer to recreate a potion.
- From now on, the customers will most likely come back to you with the same favourite effect of the last time, making it more easy to fully satisfy them!
- starting from now, when a player reaches a certain level in Encyclopedy (now is 13), he/she will be able to take note of the castle errands and consult them in his/her encyclopedy, at home!
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