Official presentation of PotionEmpire

Let's speak about our gaming experiences, our stores, our achievements and our successes.
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royal alchemist
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Official presentation of PotionEmpire

Post by royal alchemist »



PotionEmpire it's a unique mix of fantasy and managerial game. In PotionEmpire each player owns an alchemy shop and plays the role of a young novice who began his ascent to fame and knowledge. Explore the territory searching the rarest alchemical ingredients, create increasingly sophisticated potions and sell your best recipes to the other players, get as many customers as possible satisfying their requirements, visit the shops of the other players and interact with them!

Imagehigh interactivity: no more hours of waiting
Imageinfinite character growth
Imageno in-game advertising
Imagean ever-expanding world
Imagedeep management system
Imagemany in-game helps
Image14 cities to establish your own alchemy shop
Image7 playable races
Image6 different ecosystems, each with a wide variety of ingredients
Imagehundreds of ingredients to be combined
Imagehundreds of NPC customers
Imagedozens of vials to customize your potions
Imagehigh interaction between players
Imagean alive and pulsating economy
Imagemedals system that rewards the roleplaying

The game is in beta-test. Some features may not be available.
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